creative-media | turning ads into events

dws | melting-ice-project | casefilm about the media event in frankfurt/main

co-creation @havas | torsten pollmann

dws | hair-banner | a smart insight leads to a special touch-pad ad

co-creation @havas | torsten pollmann

cillit-bang | cleans like nothing else, penny proven.

co-creation @havas | Helmut Schulte, Esther Krawinkel

dulcolax | germany's favorite laxative

co-creation @havas | Ingmar Kranich, Kajo Strauch, Martin Breuer

clearasil | the cover pimple | media cooperation with different youth-magazines in germany

co-creation @havas | Ingmar Kranich, Christian Kroll, Martin Breuer, Martin Venn, Harald Jaeger

© Felix Glauner| pitchbright° Marken-Transformation | Mendelssohnstr.6 | D-40670 Meerbusch

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